Bridging the Gap from Eric Shea on Vimeo.
Kyle Nevins worked on the hill for a decade. Holding titles such as floor manager and deputy chief of staff, he has an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the House. After weathering the fiscal crisis in 2011-2012, he felt burnt out and ready to move into a lobbying role. “I think we’re all drawn in a very superficial way to the power of [DC]. We want to be part of that. As a younger person, it was the feeling of being important at an early age. But I think many—and I would hope me—use that access to power and influence to grow and evolve into people of substance who are inspired to do actual tangible good. “ As a new lobbyist he is dealing with the transition into a career with a very different environment, where the views he defends may not be his own. However, an environment of functional bipartisan collaboration is a refreshing change of pace because “Empathy is crucial to compromise. Frankly, it’s crucial to life… and it’s not utilized enough, which is why we’re so quick to judge each other, especially in politics.”